Welcome to the official home page of the Saint Louis Astronomical Society

Devoted to the Interest and Advancement
of the Science of Astronomy

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MSRAL convention 2016

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MSRAL 2006 Convention

SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, May 18, 2018 7:30pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

NASA's Mars 2020 Rover and Its
Search For Ancient Martian Life
Mr. Michael Bouchard
Washington University

 SLAS Meeting Description and Agenda

| Meeting Location |

McDonnell Hall, Room 162, Washington University
accessible from Forsyth Blvd. between Tolman Way and Chaplain Drive

| Past AND Future SLAS meetings |
The page linked above has links to descriptions of scheduled future meetings and past meetings for SLAS dating back to 2001

Upcoming Meetings for 2018

June Eddie Schlafly, UC Berkeley Big Bang (Zoom)
July Erika Gibb, PhD, UMSL Comets
August Ryan Clegg-Watkins, PhD, Washington Univ
Exploring the Moon from Orbit: Paving the Way for Future Astronaut Explorers
September Francesc Ferrer, PhD, Washington U.
In the wake of the Higgs, what will the next breakthrough at the LHC?
October Mao Xiaochen Washington University
The Dawn Mission: Vesta and Ceres
November Bard Joliff, PhD Washington University
Lunar Geology
December Pamela Gay, PhD ASP
Secret Squirrel Part 2

All SLAS regular meetings are FREE and open to the public.  SLAS meetings are always held at 7:30 pm on the 3rd Friday of the month at Washington University. See the calendar below for links and maps.

The SLAS calendar is part of the Night Sky Network. Check out all the features available at the site. You can check out events, join the Society, request a star party for your school or organization, or if you're a member, check on status of events and find out what events need volunteers and RSVP for those events. If you are traveling, you can find star parties and other events on NSN for any location in the country!




Would you like a
Star Party or Speaker for your group or event?

Simply fill out the form at the link below! Our Star Party Coordinator will be in touch to set up the event for you!

Request a Star Party

Do you enjoy helping the public understand science through astronomy?
Then click on the link below for a membership form!
Join SLAS!

Library Telescope Program

Nominations for elections were held at the April meeting
Nominations will remain open and may be submitted in several ways:
to the board, through dialogs, verbally, text, phone, email, facebook, twitter or at the May meeting

Current nominees:

President: Jim Small
Vice President: Bradley Waller
Treasurer: Bill Winningham
Secretary: Mark Jones
Hospitality: Larry Campbell
Board Member at Large: Brent Buch

Click the link above for more information about the SLAS Library Telescope Program

MSRAL 2018 Information and Registration Page
Join us at this annual conference June 22-24!

ALCON 2018 Information and Registration Page
Join us at this National annual conference July 11-14!

Mark Jones' Astronomical Highlights for 2018 (pdf)

Would you like to be notified of upcoming SLAS events?

Click on the link below and let us know you would like to be on our contact list.

Sign up as a contact!

Quick Observing References

52 Finest Objects for Public Nights(excel)

pdf version of Finest Objects for Public Nights

Need an observing challenge this fall and want to have some fun with it, too?  This list is for you!

SLAS Newsletters

The Event Horizon February, 2018

SLAS Web Resources

The SLAS Web Resource Guide

The SLAS Astronomy Resources Handout

SLAS Astrophotography Resource Guide

The Websurfer's Guide to the Universe!All of the sites from Rich Heuermann's talk from the July meeting!

The Night Sky Network Home Page

Website for the new Loop Planet Walk

What's Up Tonight, Doc? Spreadsheet

Saguaro Astronomical Database http://www.saguaroastro.org/content/downloads.htm

Link to convert Sky Quality Meter readings to magnitude for skies and vice versa.

ASP Education materials to allow students to duplicate the observations of Galileo

N2YO Real Time Satellite Tracking

AL Observing Earth Orbiting Satellites Club Page

Have a question that deals with Astronomy??
Ask the Astronomy Experts from the UK!

Interested in Buying a Telescope?
Here are some resources to assist.

Space Shuttle Headquarters for NASA

Observing tonight?  Check out Allan Rahill's page which has a forecast for seeing conditions and numerical system for recording conditions

SLSC Night Sky Update

Got a question about astronomy? Try Cornell University's "Ask an Astronomer" web site

A gallery of members' astronomical pictures.

Want to help reduce sky glow in our area? Here's how to do it with Ameren UE's assistance.

NSN Observing Cards PDF Red version

Mark Jones Power Point from Homemade Fest

Mark Jones Lunar Club 100 Power Point

SLAS logo file pdf  jpg altjpg

LARGE SLAS logo file

Proof of the expansion of the great rift in the milky way!

Thunderstorm on Rainbow Point

McDonnell Hall, Room 162, Washington University
accessible from Forsyth Blvd. between Tolman Way and Chaplain Drive

EditRegiThis site was established February 20, 2001. This site was last updated October 11, 2012
| Recent updates | Contact the Webmaster |
 The text and images found on this site are produced by members of the St. Louis Astron
omical Society (SLAS). 
Use of this material without the consent of the Society is prohibited.