This page contains links of interest to SLAS and astronomers

ThSLAS Links Page

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| Links | SLAS Member Pages | General Amateur Pages | Telescopes and Projects | Software | Planetariums and Museums | Observatories | Education | History of Astronomy | News |
| Images and Photos | Space Exploration |

Links to Other Pages of Links
1035+ links nicely catagorized and described

SLAS Member Pages
Joe Bohannon's Astronomy Page
John Duchek's Lazy J Ranch (StarGeezer) home page
Bill Breedens Formalhaut Nights - An Urban Stargazing Site
Jim Melka's Astronomy Pages
Jim Roe's Astronomy Page
Gregg Ruppel's Astronomy Page
Bob Small's Astronomy Page
Jim Small's Science Page

General Amateur Pages
Dale Ireland's Astronomy Page
Tom Campbell's Amateur Astronomy Page - Great Page for Beginners
The Astro - Contains a nice section on telescope making
The Astronomy Cafe - A little bit of everything
Astronomy Sight - sponsored by Crowell Observatory

Telescopes and Projects
Cleaning Telescope Optics
Cloudy Nights Telescope Review
Collimating a Newtonian Telescope
International Space Station Amateur Telescope
The Telescope Review Web Site by Ed Ting
The Telescope Making Web Ring - Help for telescope makers

David Paul Greens Free Astronomy Software Site
Deep Sky 2003 Observation Planning Software

Planetariums and Museums
Abrams Planetarium - Michigan State University

Observatories and Research Organizations
Australia Telescope National Facility
California & Carnegie Planet Search
HEASARC (High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center)
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tuscon
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy

Astronomy Expert
Imagine the Universe - for students age 14 and up
The Nine Planets
Star Child: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers

History of Astronomy
Center for Archaeoastronomy
History of Astronomy
Maya Astronomy Page

European Southern Observatory Press Releases and Images
International Comet Quarterly Comet Information Website
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Jonathan's Space Report
Nature Science Update (weekly highlights from Nature)
National Optical Astronomy Observatory News Releases - Cerro Tololo, Kitt Peak, Gemini
ScienceNOW (daily news from Science)
Sky and Telescope's Weekly News Bulletin

Images and Photos
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Hubble Space Telescope Photos and Press Releases
JPL Images and Videos
European Southern Observatory Images

Space Exploration
NASA Home Page
European Space Agency
Galileo Project Home
Cassini-Huygens Home

The sites listed on this page are listed for the convenience of our visitors. The Saint Louis Astronomical Society neither endorses nor certifies that any information on these sites is correct or suitable. The Saint Louis Astronomical Society does not endorse any products listed on any sites linked to, or from this page.

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 The text and images found on this site are produced by members of the St. Louis Astron
omical Society (SLAS). 
Use of this material without the consent of the Society is prohibited.