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MSRAL 2006 Convention

Board Members

Please use this name for email address
President Jim Small president at slasonline.org
Vice President Bradley Waller vicepresident at slasonline.org
Secretary Mark Jones secretary at slasonline.org
Treasurer/ALCOR Representative Bill Winningham Treasurer, Don Ficken memberships treasurer at slasonline.org
Hospitality Larry Campbell hospitality at slasonline.org
Board Member at Large Tom Nickelson board17 at slasonline.org
Board Member at Large Brent Buch board18 at slasonline.org
Board Member at Large Richard Heuermann board19 at slasonline.org

Committee Heads

Star Party Coordinator Bill Breeden starparty at slasonline.org
Observing Programs Mark Jones observing at slasonline.org
Publicity Rich Heuermann publicity at slasonline.org
Loaner Equipment Greg Gaines loaner at slasonline.org
Dark Site Coordinator Mark Jones darksite at slasonline.org
SLAS Dialogs Mark Jones/Rhonda Whelan dialogsmoderator at slasonline.org
Newsletter Editor Jim Small newsletter at slasonline.org
Web Master Jim Small webmaster at slasonline.org
Librarian Jim Small librarian at slasonline.org
Telescope Making Jim Melka and Bill Davis telescope at slasonline.org
Merchandise   merchandise at slasonline.org
Membership Don Ficken membership at slasonline.org



To email one of our officers or committee heads, simply type the email name in front of @slasonline.org DO NOT type the persons name.

We will be happy to answer any of your questions or help you set up a program.

We look forward to communicating with you.

SLAS board members and committee heads

EditRegiThis site established February 20, 2001. This site was last updated March 28th, 2010
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 The text and images found on this site are produced by members of the St. Louis Astron
omical Society (SLAS). 
Use of this material without the consent of the Society is prohibited.