This page explains how SLAS members may join the SLASdialogs members only discussion group


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Eligibility for SLASdialogs

Only members of the St. Louis Astronomical Society are eligible to join SLASdialogs.

Benefits of Dialogs

  • Use email to share and participate in astronomy-related activities and discussions with other members of the SLAS.
  • Chat with your friends in the society
  • Exchange ideas and opinions
  • Talk about the things in astronomy that interest you
  • Post your astro-photos for others to view
  • Keep up-to-date on events and news that effect you as a member of SLAS
  • Membership in SLASdialogs costs nothing beyond your annual membership dues and does not increase the cost of joining the society or renewing your membership.

To join the SLASdialogs Discussion Group

The page for joining SLASdialogs will be created soon. Watch this web page for more info.

Clear skies,
Mark Jones, SLASdialogs Moderator
St. Louis Astronomical Society



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