This page contains links useful for observers to find out what objects are visible in the night sky

Sky Links

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MSRAL 2006 Convention

Abram's Skywatchers Diary

Your Sky interactive sky maps - printable: St. Louis is about 39 N lat and 90 W longitude

Instant Sun/Moon rise set table (as well as twilight) from USNO

Sky and Telescope's Sky at a Glance

Sky and Telescope's Interactive Sky Chart


NASA Comet Observation Home Page

Deep Sky Database
- Tracking all things artificial above our heads.

Moon Map for beginners

Satellite Tracking from J-track 3D

Your Sky
- interactive web planetarium by the author of autoCAD

World Time - including a free atomic clock update program


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 The text and images found on this site are produced by members of the St. Louis Astron
omical Society (SLAS). 
Use of this material without the consent of the Society is prohibited.