This page provides meeting information for SLAS regular meetings

SLAS Regular Meeting

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of the Science of Astronomy

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SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, May 18, 2018 7:30pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

NASA's Mars 2020 Rover and Its
Search For Ancient Martian Life
Mr. Michael Bouchard
Washington University

Mr. Michael Bouchard of Washington University will be featured at the May meeting of the St. Louis Astronomical Society. The meeting will begin at 7:30 PM on Friday, May 18, in McDonnell Hall, Room 162, on the Washington University campus.

NASA's Mars 2020 Rover will search for habitable environments and for evidence of past microbial life on the Red Planet. Scheduled for a July or August, 2020 launch, it will land on Mars in February 2021. The Rover is a mobile robotic laboratory packed with an array of instruments, including twenty-three cameras and a ground-penetrating radar device. Mr. Bouchard will talk about how the Mars 2020 Rover will use its instruments to explore the Martian surface and perhaps find traces of fossil microbial life.

Michael Bouchard is a Doctoral candidate in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Washington University. He is currently a member of the NASA team examining possible landing sites for the Rover

Upcoming Meetings: 2018

June Eddie Schlafly, UC Berkeley Big Bang (Zoom)
July Erika Gibb, PhD, UMSL Comets
August Ryan Clegg-Watkins, PhD, Washington Univ
Exploring the Moon from Orbit: Paving the Way for Future Astronaut Explorers
September Francesc Ferrer, PhD, Washington U.
In the wake of the Higgs, what will the next breakthrough at the LHC?
October Mao Xiaochen Washington University
The Dawn Mission: Vesta and Ceres
November Bard Joliff, PhD Washington University
Lunar Geology
December Pamela Gay, PhD ASP
Secret Squirrel Part 2



Meeting Agenda



Introduction of Officers and Visitors

Main Speaker:  Michael Bouchard

Nominations for elections were held at the April meeting
Nominations will remain open and may be submitted in several ways:
to the board, through dialogs, verbally, text, phone, email, facebook, twitter or at the May meeting

Current nominees:

President: Jim Small
Vice President: Bradley Waller
Treasurer: Bill Winningham
Secretary: Mark Jones
Hospitality: Larry Campbell
Board Member at Large: Brent Buch

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