This page contains useful links for weather and sky conditions

Weather and Sky Clocks
for St. Louis and vicinity

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Weather Links

Flood information for the St. Louis area

This link is part of the National Weather Service Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service.  It includes current readings of river levels for all stations in the Midwest and provides graphs with predictions for river levels in the near future based on current or predicted rainfall data.  Click on the gauge you are interested in and the graph will pop up.  If you then scroll down, there will be specific information about that region and what gets flooded at a particular river level.

Road closings for Missouri  MODOT site.

Travelers map from MODOT

National Hurricane Center (NOAA)

St. Louis Weather - NOAA Graphical format for St Louis and surrounding areas weather  

Unisis Weather Satellite Images - General Page - visible, infrared, etc.
Unisis Weather Satellite Images - Midwest view - Great for Clouds

Unisis Weather has many valuable images and model forecasting. If you have a link on their site that you find particularly useful, let me know and I'll post it here for easy reference.

600 mile radar from for St. Louis area - includes animation link. Drop down menu also has links for clouds including forecast for day and night
Hour by Hour forecast from for St. Louis area - detailed information
St. Louis Weather (from

University of Michigan Weather Site - the best connection around

Predicting Seeing Conditions

Allan Rahills Seeing Conditions Forecast Page This page includes a forecast for seeing conditions for the entire North American Continent.  The page is set up just like a satellite weather page including animations.  It also includes a guide for numerically recording conditions.

Space Weather


Clear Sky Clocks


St. Louis Clear Sky Clock

Whiteside Clear Sky Clock
Troy, MO

Danville Clear Sky Clock
Danville Conservation Area

Alliance For Astronomy Observatory
St. Charles County, MO

Albert L. Ruppel Observatory Clear Sky Clock
Ellisville, MO

Catawissa (Shaw Nature Reserve) Clear Sky Clock
Gray Summit, MO

St. Clair, MO Clear Sky Clock
St. Clair, MO

Hawn State Park (halfway between Farmington and Ste Genevieve on Hwy 32)

Lake Carlyle Clear Sky Clock
Carlyle, IL

Murphy Clear Sky Clock
Murphy, MO SW of 141 on Hwy 30

Petroglyph Clear Sky Clock
Washington State Park


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