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This secure membership form is for the convenience of our membership who wish to join the St. Louis Astronomical Society and buy Astronomy and/or Sky and Telescope magazines (at discounted prices) online.
You do NOT need a Pay Pal account to use this form.
Simply click the appropriate button for the membership and magazines combination you wish to receive
and submit the appropriate information in the Pay Pal shopping cart using your favorite credit card.

If you wish to mail in your membership form, please print this form and
mail it and your check to Don Ficken as indicated on the form.

Adult Membership


Adult Membership
and only
Sky & Telescope Magazine


Adult Membership
and only
Astronomy Magazine


Adult Membership
and BOTH
Sky & Telescope Magazine AND Astronomy Magazine



Family Membership


Family Membership
and only
Sky & Telescope Magazine


Family Membership
and only
Astronomy Magazine


Family Membership
and BOTH
Sky & Telescope Magazine AND Astronomy Magazine


Student Membership



Student Membership
and only
Sky & Telescope Magazine



Student Membership
and only
Astronomy Magazine



Student Membership
and BOTH
Sky & Telescope Magazine AND Astronomy Magazine
