This page takes you into the world of astronomical observing with the members of SLAS

SLAS Observing

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MSRAL 2006 Convention

Astronomical League

The Astronomical League (AL) has a general overview of the observing clubs and links to each specific observing club on their web site. It includes a list and description of each club.  Observing Clubs Overview  PDF List of AL Observing Clubs


The American Association of Amateur Astronomers (AAAA) has some of the AL observing programs available in Adobe pdf format.  These include Binocular Messier, Deep Sky Binocular, Southern Skies Binocular, Double Star, Lunar, Arp, Urban, Asteroid, and Planetary.  The remaining club brochures must be purchased from the Astronomical League. Observing Club Manuals

SLAS Resources

LOG SHEETS: Here is a link to the American Association of Amateur Astronomers page with two really nice log sheets and a guide for what to write in your observations. These pages are available from AAAA in a nice book on heavy paper with 100 log sheets for $10.00. AAAA observing forms

Observing Programs

For questions on observing programs, please contact - John Solodar
For assistance or questions on specific clubs, you may also contact the SLAS members listed below.  They have completed the programs and are willing to help you do the same. 
Double Stars - Jerry Loethen, Rodney Rynearson
Variable Stars - Wayne Clark
Messier - Cook Feldman
Lunar - Jerry Loethen

SLAS Public Star Parties

In cooperation with the St. Louis Science Center. See the SLAS Calendar page for the next star party

SLAS Members Only Observing Events


National Star Parties

Star parties are a great way to meet new people, try out new equipment and learn the ropes of observing. here is a list of Star Parties that might be of interest to people in the St. Louis Area. Descriptions are arranged by month, and the list on the right is alphabetical. Star Parties

SLAS Observing Records

SLAS AL Award Recipients - By Club (pdf)

SLAS AL Award Recipients - By Recipient (pdf)

Observing Information

Quick Observing Plans

These convenient pdf files compiled for us by John Solodar list objects for a given period of time during the year. NGC and Messier numbers are listed and objects are divided by Messier, Caldwell and Keppelsanner Showpiece objects.

April Quick Observing Plan: Right ascension 9 Hours - 12 Hours
May_June Quick Observing Plan: Right ascention 12 Hours - 15 Hours
July Quick Observing Plan: Right ascention 15 Hours - 18 Hours
November-December Quick Observing Plan: Right ascention 0 Hours - 3 Hours


Sky & Telescope

Sky & Telescopes Observing Page has links to the following:

The Moon

Jupiter's Satellites



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 The text and images found on this site are produced by members of the St. Louis Astron
omical Society (SLAS). 
Use of this material without the consent of the Society is prohibited.