This page provides meeting information for SLAS regular meetings

SLAS Regular Meeting

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MSRAL 2006 Convention

SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, October 20, 2017 7:30pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

Neutron Star Merger!

Henric Krawczynski
Washington University

Recently, LIGO detected a collsion between two neutron stars, a very different gravitational experience than two black holes colliding as detected earlier.  The event was studied and papers were published by 35% of the astronomical community! Dr. Krawczynski will explain the significance of the collision and what it means to our knowlege of astronomy.

Upcoming Meetings:

November: William McKinnon, PhD PLUTO Washington University
December: Amy E Kimball - Skype Event - Radio Quasars & the VLA


Meeting Agenda



Introduction of Officers and Visitors

Main Speaker: Heinric Krawczynski

Member Service Recognition

Star Parties:

Other Announcements


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