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SLAS Regular Meeting

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SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, September 16, 2016 7:30pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

Chaco Canyon – The Stones and Stars
of Ancient American Astronomers

Gary Gackstatter
St. Louis Community College - Meramec

Dr. Gary Gackstatter of Saint Louis Community College, Meramec Campus, will be featured at the September meeting of the St. Louis Astronomical Society.

Chaco Canyon National Monument in northwestern New Mexico was established in 1907 to protect the remaining stone buildings of Chaco Native Americans. The motions of sun, moon, planets, and stars were woven into the culture and beliefs of the Chaco Canyon people. Constructed more than a thousand years
ago, their great houses featured many celestial alignments and devices. St. Louisan Gary Gackstatter will talk about the buildings, culture, and astronomy of these ancestors of the Pueblo tribe. He recently visited Chaco Canyon, and was inspired to write a modern symphony "Chaco -- A Journey Of The Spirit". It
was first performed in Meramec's theater last May.

Gary Gackstatter is Coordinator of Music and conductor of the Symphonic Band and Meramec Orchestra. A member of the Meramec music faculty, he is also an active composer and musician, as well as an artist.

Upcoming Meetings:
October - Kater Murch, PhD - How LIGO pushes the limits of quantum measurement detect gravity
November - TBA
December - William McKinnon, PhD Pluto
January - Peter Plavchan, PhD - The Golden Age of Exoplanet Discovery
February - Pamela Gay, PhD - Super Secret Squirrel Stuff
April - Kevin Evans, PhD - Weaubleau Impact Structure


Meeting Agenda



Glenn Greenway Services Saturday

Introduction of Officers and Visitors

Main Speaker:  Gary Gackstatter

Astro 101: Grazing Occultation

Star Parties - Highlights:


Library Telescopes

Eclipse Task Force

SLAS Coffee Mugs for Sale!

Infini-tees Shirts for Sale!

Eclipse Glasses for Sale!

Next Month - Dr. Kater Merch, Washington U. – LIGO

Attendance Prizes in October

Other Announcements

Eyepiece kits for sale

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