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SLAS Regular Meeting

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SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, August 19, 2016 7:30pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

The 2017 Eclipse - One Year Out

John Wharton
St. Louis Science Center

John Wharton, of the Saint Louis Science Center, will be featured at the August meeting of the St. Louis Astronomical Society. The meeting will begin at 7:30 PM Friday, August 19, in McDonnell Hall, Room 162, on the Washington University campus, Saint Louis, MO 63130. McDonnell Hall is accessible from Forsyth Boulevard via Tolman Way.

The first total eclipse of the Sun visible from the Saint Louis area since 1442 will occur on August 21, 2017. The Moon will completely cover the brilliant visible surface of the Sun for up to 2 minutes and 43 seconds for observers within a path that stretches from Oregon to South Carolina, but that is only about seventy miles wide. Observers in this narrow path will see the sky darken, feel the temperature drop, and, view the Sun's glowing corona –its faint upper atmosphere. The corona is only visible to the unaided eye during a total solar eclipse. The corona is a region of extremely rarified gas, heated to millions of degrees, and shimmering as it shines against a darker than twilight sky. Mr. Wharton will explain why and when a total solar eclipse occurs and how to view the hour-long partial eclipse phases safely. He will also show the path of the total solar eclipse through Missouri, particularly through the Greater St. Louis area.

John Wharton is Managing Director of Facility Operations for the Saint Louis Science Center. He came to Saint Louis at the inception of the Science Center in 1983, having been selected to be the Center's first Planetarium Director. Mr. Wharton represents the Science Center as a member of the Saint Louis Eclipse 2017 Task Force. The Task Force, comprised of representatives from several area colleges and universities, two Metro area astronomical societies, and numerous Missouri city and parks administrators, is assisting government, school, and business managers and the general public with preparations for the event. More information about eclipse viewing in the Metropolitan St. Louis area is available at

Upcoming Meetings:
September: Gary Gackstatter – Archeoastronomy
October: Dr. Katermerch, Washington U. – LIGO,
November: Dr. Bill McKinnon TBA
April 2017: Kevin Evans – Weaubleau Impact Structure


Meeting Agenda


Introduction of Officers and Visitors

Glenn Greenway

Main Speaker:  John Warton

Astro 101: Grant Martin - C.A.L.P.

Don Snyder: Sundials and the Eclipse

Annual SLAS STAR-B-Q -Saturday, August 20

SLAS Coffee Mugs for Sale!

Infini-tees Shirts for Sale!

Eclipse Glasses for Sale!

Next Month - Gary Gackstatter on Archeoastronomy

Star Parties - Highlights:
Solar Saturday - August 20 SLSC
Eclipse Events at Jefferson Barracks and Herculaneum

Other Announcements

Eyepiece kits for sale

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