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SLAS Regular Meeting

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MSRAL convention 2016

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MSRAL 2006 Convention

SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, April 22, 2016 7:30pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

Cosmological Evolution


Ian Redmount, PhD.
Saint Louis University

Cosmology – the study of the Universe as a whole – is one of the oldest areas of human thought. In the last century, cosmology has evolved from a branch of philosophy to a branch of physical science. The cosmologist's approach has changed from speculation to experiment and observation, from general the-ory to precision science. Dr. Redmount will talk about the evolution of cosmology science and the advances cosmologists are making to our understanding of the universe on its larg-est scales.

Dr. Ian Redmount is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at Saint Louis University. He received his Doctorate from the California Institute of Technology and held several research positions before accept-ing the faculty position at St. Louis University in 1993. His research interests include black holes, spacetime wormholes, cosmology, and quantum field theory.

May 20, 2016 - Extrasolar Planets - Heather Knutson, Ph.D. - California Institute of Technology
June 17, 2016 - Meteorologist Mike Roberts
July - TBA
August: 2017 Eclipse - One Year Out - John Wharton, SLSC


Meeting Agenda


Introduction of Officers and Visitors

Main Speaker:  Dr. Ian Redmount

Astro 101: Mercury Transit - Mark Jones, Outreach at SLSC

Give STL Day: Tuesday, May 3 
Listed under "Education" Or search
"St Louis Astronomical Society"

Gary Gackstatter - Information about upcoming performance :

A Journey of the Spirit

Sunday, May 8, Meramec Theater, 3:00 pm.  Free tickets available at door beginning at 2:30 pm
Flyer for program and other associated workshops

Nominations for Board


Astronomy Day 10-4, Spirit of St Louis Airshow, Crestwood Park

MSRAL 2016 - June 3-5, 2016 - Columbia, MO  Hosted by MU Physics Dept

Buy Raffle Tickets for:
MSRAL registration fee

MSRAL 2016 - June 3-5, 2016 - Columbia, MO  Hosted by MU Physics Dept

Volunteers needed for MSRAL - Meeting at Young's Sunday, April 24th at 12 pm.

Buy Raffle Tickets for:
MSRAL registration fee

Star Parties

Other Announcements

Lovell Event - Brad Waller

Vacancies in SLAS:

Merchandise Chair - Organizes and selects SLAS merchandise to offer to the public and to members

Eyepiece kits for sale


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