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SLAS Regular Meeting

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SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, August 21, 2015 7:30pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

Go See the Eclipse (2017)

(And Take a Kid With You)


Chap Percival

Chap will be selling copies of his book as well as custom Tee-shirts at the meeting.  Cash, Check or Credit Card will be accepted for sales.

Eclipses occur when the Sun, Earth, and Moon align. A total eclipse occurs when the alignment is nearly perfect. On September 27, the Moon will move into the Earth's shadow, and the total lunar eclipse will be visible from anywhere on the night side of the Earth, including Saint Louis. This will be the last total lunar eclipse visible here until January 21, 2019. On August 21, 2017, the Earth will move into the Moon's shadow, and a total solar eclipse
will occur. The last total solar eclipse visible from the Saint Louis area occurred in 1442. The Moon's shadow will be only about 100 miles wide as it sweeps across the United States from Oregon to South Carolina. Chap Percival will talk about both the lunar and the solar total eclipses. He will explain when they will occur and how to view them. He will also talk about safe ways to view the solar eclipse during its partial phases before and after the total solar eclipse.

Chap Percival is a veteran astronomer and science educator, a former planetarium director, and an author. He earned a Masters degree in planetarium education from Michigan State University, and a Masters in Instructional Technology from the University of Virginia. His current book, "Go See the Eclipse" provides detailed infor-
mation about the 2017 solar eclipse.

For pictures and descriptions of his bood and shirt, visit his website at


Meeting Agenda


Introduction of Officers and Visitors

Main Speaker:  Chap Percival

Astro 101: Video Kit

Motions to be voted on by the membership:

1.  Motion by Jim Small:  “SLAS will provide $1000 seed money for the 2016 MSRAL Convention to be held in Columbia, MO June 3-5, 2016.  ASKC will also provide $1000.  Any profits from the convention will be distributed as follows:  50% to the region, 25% to ASKC, 25% to SLAS.  The MSRAL account will be opened at Commerce Bank to enable easy coordination with ASKC.  Cook Feldman will be treasurer for the account.” Seconded by Brad Waller. Motion passed by Board to presented to membership for approval.

2.  Motion by Mark Jones: “Proceeds from the auction, not to exceed $250, to be used to purchase camcorder for recording meetings” second Larry Campbell. Motion passed and will be presented to membership for approval.

Vacancies in SLAS.
1. Board Member at Large - nominations will be taken this month with elections next month. Term is through May, 2018

2. Star Party Coordinator
3. Merchandise Chair

Eyepiece kits for sale


Star Parties
Astronomy Day TOMORROW at the Planetarium
NEW Venues next Friday, one at the coffee house in Francis Park (I know!  I didn't know there was a coffee house in Francis Park either!)  AND
The St. Louis Art Museum with a large event. Be sure to RSVP on NSN!

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