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SLAS Regular Meeting

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SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, January 16, 2015 7:30pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

Beyond the Hubble Space Telescope: New Observatories, New Discoveries
Skywatching 2015


Paul Baldwin and Mark Jones
Members of SLAS

"Beyond the Hubble…" will be an introduction to the major new observatories being built on the ground and planned for launch into space during the next few years. Huge new ground telescopes and advanced space telescopes promise to produce many advances in our understanding of the universe. Mr. Baldwin will
talk about the new facilities, and also about the areas of astronomy and planetary sciences in which some of the new discoveries are likely to occur. Mark Jones will talk about the major events that will occur in the night skies of 2015, including the close pass of Mercury by Venus in the early evening skies of mid-January.

Paul Baldwin is an aeronautical and astronautical engineer who has been following space exploration for over 35 years. He is currently Vice President of the St. Louis Astronomical Society and a founding member of St. Louis Space Frontier. Mark Jones, currently Secretary of the Astronomical Society, is a veteran amateur astronomer and astronomy outreach volunteer.

Future meetings:
February William Smith Kepler
March Open
April - Dr. Joseph Marcus M.D. Comet 67P And the Rosetta Spacecraft"
May - Kathrin Powell "All the Mars Rovers and Discoveries"


Meeting Agenda


Introduction of Officers and Visitors

Announcements and Star Parties

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