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MSRAL 2006 Convention

SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, July 18, 2014 7:30pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

A Tour of the Stellar Zoo


Richard Heuermann
Washington University

            “Seen one and you’ve seen them all” does not apply to stars. Although each looks like a single point of light, perhaps with a little bit of color for some, the stars come in a wide range of sizes, ages, and physical conditions. Richard Heuermann will talk about several of the many types of stars that populate the stellar zoo. He will examine some of their differences in terms of stellar life cycles, variances in environmental conditions, and stellar companions.   
            Rich Heuermann is the outreach program coordinator for the NASA Missouri Space Grant Consortium at Washington University. He is also a member of the Saint Louis Astronomical Society.


Meeting Agenda


Introduction of Officers

Richard Heuermann

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