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MSRAL 2006 Convention

SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, April 18, 2014 7:30pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

Rotational Dynamics of Planets, Stars and Galaxies


Dr. Robert Criss
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Washington University

Dr. Robert Criss will be featured at the April meeting of the St. Louis Astronomical Society. The meeting will begin at 7:30 PM Friday, April 18, in McDonnell Hall, Room 162, on the Washington University campus.

Everything in the universe is in motion, and much of that motion is spin. Rotational dynamics – the motions and effects caused by spinning – explains many properties of planets, stars, and galaxies. Dr. Criss will talk about a range of topics, including the origin of the rotation of the solar system, the slowing down of spin in super-dense white dwarf stars, and how the slow rotation of the entire Milky Way galaxy reveals some unexpected features of its structure.

Robert Criss is a Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Washington University. His primary research interest is in the use of stable isotopes to trace the flow of groundwater and its contaminants. He also studies the origin, character and behavior of river and flood waters in the Mississippi, Missouri, and Meramec River basins. But his scientific curiosity often leads him to far different areas – such as the effects of rotation on a broad range of astronomical objects.


Meeting Agenda


Introduction of Officers

Dr. Robert Criss

Nominations for Elections in May

MSRAL 2014 - Mark Jones

Announcements and Star Parties

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