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SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, December 20, 2013 7:30pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

Astrophotography – Pro Results Using Amateur Tools
by Dan Crowson

      Astrophotographer Dan Crowson will be featured at the January meeting of the St. Louis Astronomical Society. The meeting will begin at 7:30 PM Friday, January 17, in McDonnell Hall, Room 162, on the Washington University campus, Saint Louis, MO 63130. McDonnell Hall is accessible from Forsyth Boulevard via Tolman Way. The event, cosponsored by NASA's Missouri Space Grant Consortium, is open to the public free of charge.  
     Photographing objects in the night sky is a challenging activity. Most astronomical objects are quite dim, so just finding them in a telescope can be difficult. Then the Earth’s spin puts the sky in constant motion, so keeping the object in view can be difficult. But advances in telescope and imaging technology make it possible for amateur astronomers to meet the challenges and achieve professional results. Dan Crowson is well known for his astrophotography. His images have been featured on NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day web site, as well as in several magazines. Mr. Crowson will use a workshop-demonstration approach to show how to produce high quality astronomical images with modest equipment, using readily available image processing software.

January meeting: Astrophotography by Dan Crowson
February meeting: Grant Mar tin and Bill Biermann
March meeting: Bob Criss
April meeting: Matthias Beilicke
May meeting: Pamela Gay


Meeting Agenda


Introduction of Officers

Dan Crowson

Astro 101 -

Volunteer Hours 

MSRAL 2014 Update

Announcements and Star Parties



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