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MSRAL 2006 Convention

January Regular Meeting

So You Have a Telescope,
Now What??

Members of SLAS

Friday, January 19, 2007
Meeting Location

McDonnell Hall, Room 162, Washington University
accessible from Forsyth Blvd. via Tolman Way

Perhaps you purchased or received a telescope recently.  Perhaps you've had one for years but never bothered to use it or had trouble setting it up. THIS meeting is for you. Even if you are experienced, you will want to attend to hear Mark Jones' events calendar for the 2007 observing season.  Here is the list of events that will take place:

  •  Mark Jones will have a presentation about the astronomical events for 2007.  Mark will show us the highlights for the year and present the calendar for SLAS dark sky events and other observing gatherings for the year.
  • We will also have several mini sessions on equipment, computer aids, observing aids and other programs of interest to the observer.  The exact agenda will be solidified at the SLAS board meeting January 2nd.


This site established February 20, 2001.
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