This page has directions to the St. Louis Astronomical Society Meetings

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TIME AND LOCATION: Monthly membership meetings are held the third Friday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Room 161, McDonnell Hall Auditorium, Washington University Campus in St. Louis (see map below). The meeting format is a guest speaker followed by a brief business meeting and refreshments. For a more detailed map to the meeting site, you may use the Washington University website at

On the university map, McDonnell Hall is building 16.

Meetings are free and open to the public.



EditRegiThis site established February 20, 2001. This site was last updated November 21st, 2005
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 The text and images found on this site are produced by members of the St. Louis Astron
omical Society (SLAS). 
Use of this material without the consent of the Society is prohibited.