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SLAS Regular Meeting

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of the Science of Astronomy

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MSRAL 2006 Convention

SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, February 19, 2016 7:30pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

Night Sky Photography

William Neubert

Astrophotography – taking pictures of objects in the night sky – is difficult. The objects, except for the Moon, are small and faint. Exposure times of minutes to hours are needed to construct a single image. Moreover, the Earth's turning will blur the image, unless the telescope "tracks" the object - moves to keep the object centered in the telescope's field of view. Digital images need to be combined and manipulated to bring out color and faint details. William Neubert will explain the basics of astrophotography. His presentation will be a non-technical review of his recent progress in digital astro- imaging. It will include some of the lunar, planetary, and deep sky images he has taken over the last three years. He will also discuss what the images show and how to interpret them, as well as demonstrate some strange artifacts he has encountered.

Bill Neubert is an amateur astronomer and accomplished astrophotographer. Some of his images have appeared in Sky and Telescope magazine, a nationally circulated monthly periodical.

Meeting Agenda


Introduction of Officers and Visitors

Main Speaker:  Bill Neubert

Astro 101: Brad Waller - Mission Control

Raffle Tickets for:
1. Lowell Talk
2. MSRAL registration fee

Homemade Fest scheduled for Saturday, February 27, 2016 at the Kirkwood Community Center, room 300 from 5-10pm

Library Telescope Build - Saturday, March 5

MSRAL 2016 - June 3-5, 2016 - Columbia, MO  Hosted by MU Physics Dept

Volunteers needed for MSRAL

Star Parties

Meeting for April moved to April 22


Vacancies in SLAS:

Merchandise Chair - Organizes and selects SLAS merchandise to offer to the public and to members

Eyepiece kits for sale



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