This page provides meeting information for SLAS regular meetings

SLAS Regular Meeting

Devoted to the Interest and Advancement
of the Science of Astronomy

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SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, November 15, 2013 7:30pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

Astronomy and Space Gadgets and Gifts
Members of SLAS

This meeting belongs to our members! That's right, we have over 150 members with great knowledge, talent and skills. So we are having members present to the group. The theme will be limited to "Astro and Space Gadgets". SLAS members will share their favorite Astro-Gadgets, widget or thing-a-ma-jig, space toy, (Robby the Robot), or game. Remember, November Astro-gadgets may become December's gift for your favorite astronomer ! In addition to bringing in the gizmo, we are looking for members to display and give a 5-minute description of their favorite accessory. If it is impractical to carry, then bring in a photograph --anything from books and flashlights, to eyepieces, cameras, observing clothing, finders, toys, space memorabilia, collimators, you name it, and you bring it.

Meeting Agenda


Introduction of Officers


Mingle with Gadgets!

Election for Board Member at Large

Announcements and star parties





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 The text and images found on this site are produced by members of the St. Louis Astron
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Use of this material without the consent of the Society is prohibited.