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SLAS Regular Meeting

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SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, August 16, 2013 7:30pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

Cosmic Rays – 101 Years of Discovery
Professor Martin Israel
Washington University

      Earth is bombarded by a steady stream of invisible high energy particles called cosmic rays. Each second, several pass through your hand, unseen and unfelt. In August, 1912, an Austrian scientist, sailing over three miles high in a hydrogen-filled balloon, conducted experiments indicating that this mysterious radiation comes from outer space. In the century since Victor Hess’s discovery, scientists have learned much about the nature and origin of cosmic rays, but mysteries still remain. Dr. Israel will review the century of progress and discuss his own cosmic ray experiments. These include the SUPER-TIGER balloon-borne instrument that collected cosmic rays in the skies of Antarctica during December and January.
      Dr. Martin Israel is a Professor of Physics and a Fellow of the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences at Washington University. His teaching and research center on cosmic-ray astrophysics, using instrumentation carried by satellites and high-altitude balloons.

Meeting Agenda


Introduction of Officers

Dr. Israel

Astro 101 - ALCON report, MSRAL 2014 Update,

    Star B Q Saturday, August 17
    Next board meeting September 12
    Two committees
        Space Grant  date TBA
        MSRAL 2014: Sunday, August 18, 6:00 pm at Young's Restaurant in Valley Park

Upcoming Star Parties




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