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SLAS Regular Meeting

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of the Science of Astronomy

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SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, January 18, 2013, 7:30pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

Comet Photography


Mark Jones, Jim Melka, Thane Bopp

   Professor Martin Israel was to be the speaker for this month, but his talk had to be postponed for personal reasons.
Mark Jones, Jim Melka and Thane Bopp will present methods of photographing comets because of two comets coming our way in 2013. Several methods will be illustrated and the public is encouraged to bring their pictures, cameras and questions for the meeting. Presenters will be available after the meeting for questions about setting up equipment and shooting.
Methods will range from the very simple to the complex. For several of the techniques, a
minimum of equipment is required! Be sure to bring your ideas! Details about the comets coming this year will also be presented.

Astro 101 this month: Cloud Chamber: Let's See the Particles that are Passing By!
This month's Astro 101 will consist of a demonstration of a cloud chamber used to see particles that are moving through the atmosphere. There will be opportunities for photographing the particles as well.

Meeting Agenda


Introduction of Officers


Astro 101 - Cloud Chamber

Venus Transit Awards

Outreach Volunteer Awards

Announcements and Upcoming Star Parties




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