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SLAS Regular Meeting

Devoted to the Interest and Advancement
of the Science of Astronomy

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SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, September 21, 2012, 7:30pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

Contributions in Amateur Astronomy
and Best Practices of Member Clubs
Carroll Iorg
President, Astronomical League

Carroll Iorg will be the featured speaker at the September meeting of the Saint Louis Astronomical Society. The meeting will begin at 7:30 pm Friday, September 21, in McDonnell Hall, Room 162, on the Washington University campus, St. Louis, MO 63130.
Much of the spectacular growth in our knowledge of the universe has come from the
work of professional scientists. They use advanced telescope systems housed in large observatories or aboard spacecraft. However, amateur astronomers have always played a significant role in the study of the heavens, and their contributions are increasing. Technology advances have made complex equipment affordable for amateurs. The internet has provided amateurs with direct access to images and data from professional observing projects. Carroll Iorg will talk about some of the pioneering work done by amateurs in the past, the professional-caliber work they are doing now, and some of the prospects for the future.
Carroll Iorg is currently the President of the Astronomical League. The league is an
organization of amateur astronomy societies and of individual amateur astronomers. More than 240 astronomy clubs in the United States participate, as well as dozens of unaffiliated individuals. The League prints a magazine, sponsors conventions, and promotes activities for anyone interested in astronomy.

Meeting Agenda


Introduction of Officers

Astro 101 - Neil Armstrong

Speaker - Carroll Iorg

Recognitions - Outreach Awards

Nominations - Board Member at Large position

Announcements and Upcoming Star Parties




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