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SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, February 17, 2012
McDonnell Hall
Washington University

Recent Results from Opportunity's Exploration of Endeavour Crater, Mars


Ms. Abigail Fraeman of Washington University
Washington University

            The twin NASA rovers Spirit and Opportunity bounced down on the surface of Mars in January 2004 to begin their planned 90 day missions. Eight years later, Opportunity is waiting out the Martian winter so that it can resume exploration of the Martian surface. Ms. Fraeman will talk about what the rover has already found on the way to Endeavour Crater, and what else it might find when Spring?s Sun energizes Opportunity?s solar panels once again.
            Abigail Fraeman is a Doctoral candidate in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Washington University. She received a B.S. in both Geology and Physics from Yale University in 2009, following studies that also included summer internships at the Carnegie Institute in Washington D.C., at Brown University, and at Cornell University.  She is a planetary geologist, with particular interest in the surface features and mineralogy of Mars as keys to understanding the Red Planet’s present climate and past history.

Astro 101

Astronomy Events for 2012

Mark Jones
St. Louis Astronomical Society

Mark Jones will present his annual list of Astronomical Events for the year.  Highlights include such events as the Partial Solar Eclipse in May and the Transit of Venus in June.


This site established February 20, 2001.
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