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SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, December 16, 2011
McDonnell Hall
Washington University

The Really Big Picture The Structure and Evolution of Our Universe


Dr. Ian Redmount
Saint Louis University

Cosmology – the study of the origin, nature, and evolution of the vast universe that lies beyond our own sun and its planets – used to be reserved for philosophers, not scientists. But advances in physics and mathematics over the past century, coupled with spectacular improvements in telescopes and detectors during the past two decades, have opened up cosmology to scientific observation and inquiry. Dr. Redmount will discuss the current “standard” model of cosmology, and indicate the questions and controversies now on the frontiers of cosmological research.

Ian Redmount is an Associate Professor of Physics at Saint Louis University.  His research is focused on general relativity theory and its applications to cosmology and black holes, as well as on problems related to quantum gravity and quantum mechanics.

Astro 101

Hop on the “Sol” Train! by Steve Sands

Solar maximum is upon us!  This presentation will  discuss the equipment amateur astronomers now have available for observing the sun in white light, hydrogen alpha and calcium wavelengths.  Filters that professionals could only hope for 20 years ago are now within easy grasp for the amateur observer.   Don’t miss all of the action!


This site established February 20, 2001.
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