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Friday, August 19, 2011
McDonnell Hall
Washington University

The Antarctic Search for Meteorites: My Two Months in the Antarctic Interior


Dr. Ryan Zeigler
Washington University

            Each year, the National Science Foundation funds a team of scientists to search for meteorites in remote field areas in Antarctica. Dr. Zeigler was one of the team members for the December 2010 ? January 2011 expedition. As he explains, ?This year, we were able to collect over 1200 meteorites during our 6 week field season. I will describe to you how and why we search for meteorites in Antarctica, what we do with them after we collect them, and what life is like for 40 days in a tent in Antarctica."
            Ryan Zeigler is a Research Scientist in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Washington University. He studies the physical characteristics and chemistry of meteorites and lunar samples, using advanced instrumentation such as the electron microprobe and neutron activation.

This site established February 20, 2001.
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