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Friday, June 17, 2011
McDonnell Hall
Washington University

75 Years of Astronomical Discovery


Dr. Pamela Gay
Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville

Dr. Pamela Gay of Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville, will be featured at the June meeting of the St. Louis Astronomical Society. The Saint Louis Astronomical Society celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2011. Since the birth of the Society, our understanding of the universe has vastly changed in countless ways.

Within our solar system, dozens of moons have been discovered around giant planets, a “regular” planet has been demoted, and mountains, volcanoes, and geysers have been found in un-Earthly places. Beyond our solar system, we have found an expanding universe, contracting dust clouds birthing new stars, lurking dark matter, and exotic objects unimagined in 1936. From black holes to light echoes we have changed how we see light. From extrasolar planets to potential life in our own solar system, we have
changed how we see our place in space. Dr. Gay will survey how astronomy has changed in the last 75 years.

Dr. Gay is an astronomer, writer, and podcaster focused on using new media to engage people in science and technology. Her best-known project may be Astronomy Cast, a podcast co-hosted with Fraser Cain, Producer of Universe Today. She is currently a Lecturer at SIU-Edwardsville.

This site established February 20, 2001.
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