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SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, February 18, 2011
McDonnell Hall
Washington University

Star Gazing, Planet Watching:
Tips and Targets

William Biermann, Don Ficken,
and Mark Jones

St. Louis Astronomical Society

     Bill Biermann, Don Ficken and Mark Jones of the St. Louis Astronomical Society will lead a discussion about observing the night skies at the February meeting of the Society.
     Even the night skies above cities and suburbs offer stunning views of planets, star clusters, and interstellar dust clouds to viewers with binoculars and amateur telescopes. Within about an hour?s drive of St. Louis city lights, these astronomical showcases glow against jet-black country skies. Three veteran night sky observers will offer tips about selecting, finding, and viewing interesting objects, as well as comment about equipment options and accessories.

Upcoming meetings:
March - Dr. (MD) Joseph Marcus, former editor of the Comet News Service, on the chemical composition of comets

This site established February 20, 2001.
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