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Friday, December 17, 2010
McDonnell Hall
Washington University

The Newest Space Race: Competing for a Share of the Multi-Trillion Dollar Frontier
Dr. Edythe E. Weeks, Esq.

    Dr. Edythe E. Weeks, Esq. of Washington University, will be featured at the December meeting of the St. Louis Astronomical Society. Billionaires are developing their own fleets of private spaceships. This is happening now, not in some distant science-fiction future. Business moguls are planning new space-based industries – mining, manufacturing, transportation, tourism. Commercial spaceports and space habitats are on the drawing boards of today, and will soon be in the skies of tomorrow. Dr. Weeks will talk about the development of space-based businesses, the huge impact of space-based industry on the national and global economies, and about some of the legal and financial issues involved in space commerce.
    Dr. Weeks an Adjunct Professor and Lecturer in international politics, space law politics, and race/ethnic relations in Washington University's University College. She has also taught courses, at both undergraduate and graduate levels, for Webster University and Northern Arizona University.
    Dr. Weeks received a Ph.D. in Political Science/International Relations from Northern Arizona University and a J.D. from the University of Missouri, Columbia.

This site established February 20, 2001.
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