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Friday, July 16, 2010
McDonnell Hall,
Washington University

A Websurfer's Guide To the Universe


Rich Heuermann

The internet has made spectacular views of stars, planets, and galaxies accessible, often almost as soon as they are produced. It has published results of the latest professional research and provided amateur astronomers with customized star charts and other tools for observing the heavens. If you know where on the Web to look. This program will be an introduction to some of
the websites that chart the skies, publish the pictures, and report the research - all delivered free of charge to your computer screen.
Rich Heuermann is the Outreach Program Coordinator of the NASA Missouri Space Grant Consortium at Washington University. A Webster Groves resident, he is also an amateur astronomer and long-time member of the Saint Louis Astronomical Society.

This site established February 20, 2001.
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 The text and images found on this site are produced by members of the St. Louis Astronomical Society (SLAS). 
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