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MSRAL 2006 Convention

SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, January 15, 2009
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

Meteorites---Rocks from space.


Bruce L. Stinchcomb

Retired Professor of Geology
St. Louis Community College - Florissant Valley

Meteorites---rocks from space, unlike those of the Earth, tell of astronomical phenomena such as novas, red giant stars, nebula and high velocity impact. A variety of meteorite types will be disscussed including siderites, mesosiderites, chondrites, achrondrites as well as the carbonaceous chondrites. Other unique meteorites and space rocks such as lunars. martians (SNC's) and tektites will be touched on. The pecular chemistry of the carbonaceous chondrites will be outlined as well as other pecular aspects of "meteorite chemistry and mineralogy such as the occurrence of phosphides, hydrides and unusual sulfides. The uniqueness of chondrules in the chondritic meteorites will be discussed with emphasis on the origin of chondrules. A variety of meteorite types will be illustrated as a slide show along with an opportunity to "visit" with a variety of actual meteorite specimens.

This site established February 20, 2001.
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