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MSRAL 2006 Convention

SLAS Regular Meeting
Friday, February 20th - 7:30 pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

But Still It Moves ? The Life and Times of Galileo


K. Michael Malolepszy
Washington University

Galileo Galilei was a seventeenth century scientist whose pioneering work in the study of optics and of motion laid the groundwork for some of the spectacular discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton. Four hundred years ago, Galileo turned his own, improved version of the recently invented telescope to the skies. He saw sights undreamed by the generations of scientists and philosophers that preceded him. The implications of his studies shook the foundations of scientific, political, and religious thought, and led to the development of a new world view. They also led to a trial for heresy and a sentence of house arrest. Mr. Malolepszy will talk about the life and times of this colorful character as part of a months-long celebration of the International Year of Astronomy.
Mike Malolepszy is a veteran amateur astronomer and former President of the Saint Louis Astronomical Society. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and Astronomy from the University of Missouri, St. Louis. He has worked at the Very Large Array National Radio Astronomy Observatory in New Mexico. Mr. Malolepszy has presented astronomy programs at the McDonnell Planetarium, now operated by the St. Louis Science Center, for many years.


This site established February 20, 2001.
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