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November Regular Meeting at SLAS

How To Buy A Telescope


How To Get Started In Astronomy


Amateur Astronomers of the St. Louis Astronomical Society

November 16, 2007
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

Astronomy is a science that is not limited to professional scientists. Many interesting objects are visible to the unaided eye. Many more can be seen with ordinary binoculars, but even a small telescope greatly expands the possibilities for viewing the Moon, the satellites of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, star clusters, galaxies, and other celestial sights. Today there is a bewildering variety of sizes, types, and prices for telescopes, including computer-guided instruments and instruments capable of quality astrophotography. Not all of these telescopes are well made; not all perform as advertised. Few sales staff, at department stores or even specialty stores, know enough about telescopes and astronomy to provide the information necessary to select the best telescope for the buyer’s interest and budget. In this program, experienced telescope users will explain what to look for - and what to avoid - when buying a telescope, especially a first-time instrument. They will also explain how to begin learning to locate interesting objects to view – with the unaided eye, with binoculars, or with a telescope. In addition, there will be an introduction to photography of the night skies. Interested persons are invited to bring telescopes to the meeting. After the group presentations, a Society astronomer will be available to each person interested, to answer any questions about the individual’s telescope and its operation.

The St. Louis Astronomical Society is an organization for individuals interested in astronomy and telescopes. The public is invited to attend its meetings, telescope observing sessions, and special events.


This site established February 20, 2001.
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