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June Regular Meeting at SLAS

June 15, 2007 at 7:30 pm
McDonnell Hall, Washington University

There's a What in Bonne Terre???!!!


Earl Mullins, Director, THE SPACE MUSEUM


 The Space Museum is a forum for the presentation of aerospace related artifacts and history for public perusal; and for the preservation of such artifacts and history; and the education of the public general to the significance and use of this technology.


Vision is defined as the ability to think about the future with imagination or wisdom. This effectively describes the goal of The Space Museum .

 It is our hope that exposing as many as possible to the paraphernalia generated by the boldest adventure devised by man will inspire visitors to think about the future.

 Our goal is to infect as many as possible with an excitement that spawns wonder and a wonder that spawns growth and with growth; achievement.

 The investment will pay huge dividends if even one can be directed toward excellence instead of mediocrity. That someone could be the next Wernher von Braun, Charles Lindbergh, Neil Armstrong, or even an Albert Einstein! They could be the first to plant a footprint on Mars, solve the energy crisis, or discover the cure for cancer. The possibilities are limitless.

 Dreams, perhaps, but it has been said, Those who dream the most do the most. Man would not enjoy the convenience of flight if Orville and Wilbur Wright had not dreamed of the day when men would soar like the birds.

 Man is on a journey. We are not static creatures. We are in constant motion. We are either pressing forward or shrinking backward. Which will it be? Let us move boldly into the new frontier.

 Join our vision. We choose to think about the future with imagination and wisdom. We wish to encourage the boldness that will carry us into an exciting, and rewarding future.

 We wish to make a difference.

 Join the journey.

 FOUNDER: About Earl Mullins

 As an industrial engineer, Earl Mullins has had a passion for aerospace technology and space exploration for the majority of his life. As a result, Mr. Mullins has accumulated a very comprehensive collection of aerospace related memorabilia and has chosen to make this resource available to the public who might not otherwise have access to such a resource.


 Phase I

2001-A building was secured through the assistance of Bonne Terre Services.  Shortly after, renovation of the building and construction of the exhibits began.

 2005-In October the museum opens with a well attended sneak peek of selected dignitaries.

 2006- The Space Museum celebrates its grand opening in June with Lowell Grissom, the brother of Gus Grissom America's second astronaut appearing as featured guest.

 2007-The project has grown beyond the resources of an individual. Many volunteers have been recruited and attendance continues to grow.

 The Space Museum is currently filing with the State of Missouri as a not for profit corporation.  The Space Museum goal is to have its 501-C3 status established by the end of the year 2007.

 Phase II

 Goal I-Seek outside funding and or grants for the purpose of expansion.

 Goal II-Exploration is ongoing to secure a more adequate facility and location.

 Goal III- Expand the museum facilities to include a learning center for all technologies.


 The Space Museum currently boasts an artifact collection and display fixtures valued at $300,000-$500,000 as displayed. This represents approximately half of the Mullins collection and many items on loan. These artifacts include, but are not limited to items flown to the moon, owned by astronauts, and space gear. These artifacts are on par with major museum collections.

 The Space Museum has a working relationship with The Kansas Cosmosphere. The Cosmosphere has agreed to artifact loan which presents the potential of acquiring larger artifacts such as spacecraft for display.

 Loan artifacts are also available from the Air Force, the Smithsonian, and the NASA upon satisfying certain criteria.

 The Space Museum has access to a competent pool of voluntary talent.


 The potential exists for The Space Museum to become a tourist asset for any community willing to host and provide the resources for it to expand to a stand alone attraction. It not only has the potential of tourist revenue, but could ultimately distinguish the hosting community as being forward thinking and civic minded. Indeed, it could potentially become a community identifier.

 We site the example of The Kansas Cosmosphere. This premier attraction began as the result of far sighted individuals who began in a poultry barn. Although Hutchinson , Kansas , the home of the Cosmosphere, is a well established well appointed community of 40,000, it would be indiscernible from any of thousands of other such fine communities if it were not for the Cosmosphere.

 From humble beginnings the Cosmosphere has matured into a world renowned $20,000,000 facility with receipts in the millions per year.

 Did this occur in a day; of course not. Could this success be repeated? Yes it can, but it must begin somewhere, and it must begin with the forward thinking of far sighted individuals and community.


 To our knowledge there is no other facility exactly like this in the state of Missouri . The St. Louis Science center is as near a competitor as any we are aware of.


This site established February 20, 2001.
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