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MSRAL 2006 Convention

Prepare For Liftoff - The Challenger Learning Center, St. Louis

a presentation  by
Ms. Tasmyn Scarl Front
Director of the Challenger Learning Center - Saint Louis

The Challenger Learning Center organization was established in April 1986 by the families of the astronauts lost in the Challenger space shuttle explosion. In keeping with the “Teacher In Space” activities planned for that Challenger flight, the families wanted to establish a living memorial to the lost astronauts by providing a unique learning experience based upon space exploration. From the Center’s headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, special space-based programs for upper elementary school students, emphasizing teamwork and problem-solving, are disseminated across the country. On November 17, 2003, a Challenger Learning Center opened in Saint Louis. The Learning Center includes a dual spaceflight simulator - mock-ups of  a Mission Control Room and either a space station or a planetary spacecraft. Following an extensive in-class curriculum, teams of students travel to the Challenger Center to conduct a simulated space mission - a voyage to a comet, or a trip to a settlement on Mars.

Tasmyn Scarl Front is Director of the Challenger Learning Center - Saint Louis . She will describe the Center’s programs and activities. The Center is located at 205 Brotherton Lane in Ferguson, MO 63135. It offers some missions on selected evenings and weekends for families, business groups, and the general public. For more information, please call 314-521-6205.




EditRegiThis site established February 20, 2001. This site was last updated November 21st, 2005
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