Eyepiece Transmission Results

SLAS October MeetingThe October 15th meeting of SLAS will feature John Duchek and David Hall. They have done extensive testing of eyepiece transmission and are presenting and discussing their eyepiece transmission experiment. It is an update to the presentation given at MSRAL 2003 in Tulsa and later published in Cloudy Nights website. They have new data to present of our measurements of light transmission through popular eyepieces. In addition to the test results, the presentation includes an explanation of reflection at air-to-glass interfaces and how anti-reflective coatings are used to improve transmission of eyepieces. They discuss improvements to the test setup and efforts to eliminate sources of error.

John Duchek has a doctorate in Chemistry and has worked for more than 30 years in the chemical industry as a researcher, plant manager and troubleshooter, and college professor. He currently works at Tyco-Healthcare in St. Louis.

David Hall is an electronics engineer with more than 30 years experience primarily in the aerospace industry. Currently, he design laser electronics for Cutting Edge Optronics in St. Charles.

If you are an observer, you won’t want to miss this one! SLAS regular meetings are held at 7:30 pm in room 162 McDonnell Hall on the campus of Washington University. Directions and maps are at the back of this issue.