Catching a Comet - The Stardust MIssion
Collecting Dust Particles Older than the Sun
and Bringing them Back to Earth

This month's meeting for the St. Louis Astronomical Society has been combined with "The McDonnell Lectures, Spring '04"

The speaker for the meeting will be Donald Brownlee, Professor of Astronomy at the University of Washington, Seattle

The meeting will start at the usual time and we will have a room available for SLAS members immediately following the lecture

The meeting will be held at the Auditorium of Arts & Sciences Laboratory Science Building on Washington University's Main Campus. This building is North and West of McDonnell Hall. To access the building, Turn on Snow Way, off Big Bend, north of Forsyth.

For more detailed information regarding the topic, speaker and directions to the meeting, click here for a flyer with all the needed information.