A Telescope for Christmas -
Now What?

SLAS member Mike Malolepzy

SLAS presents a program for beginning telescope users, at the January meeting of the Saint Louis Astronomical Society.

The directions that come with new telescopes typically explain how to assemble the instrument, but not what to look for, how to find interesting objects, or what you can expect to see. Members of the Astronomical Society will present an introduction to observing the sky with binoculars or a small telescope. Included will be suggestions about books, charts, and accessories that are useful - and some that are not. In addition to the Moon, the planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, binary stars, star clusters, and interstellar dust clouds are all visible in the skies of winter, 2004 - if you know where, when, and how to look. Telescope owners are invited to bring their instruments along. Weather permitting following the program, members of the Society will assist new owners with assembly, alignment, and use of their telescopes.

The St. Louis Astronomical Society is an organization for individuals interested in astronomy and telescopes. The public is invited to attend its meetings, telescope observing sessions, and special events.