The Mars Exploration Rover Mission:
Where Are We Going - And Why?


Mr. Frank Seelos
Washington University

Mr. Frank Seelos of Washington University will be featured at the May meeting of the St. Louis Astronomical Society. Mr. Seelos will talk about the nature of the surface of the planet Mars, particularly the area to be explored by the next Mars surface rover. In January, 2004, two robot rovers will touch down on the Martian surface. Mr. Seelos will review the current state of Mars science from a global perspective, and provide a detailed look at one of the landing sites selected for the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission. He will also describe the scientific instruments on board the MER robots, and explain how they will be used to answer important questions about the origin and evolution of the Red Planet.
At Washington University, Frank Seelos is a Doctoral candidate in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. As a member of Professor Raymond Arvidson's planetary geology research team, he is heavily involved with planning for the MER project, including the design and prototype testing of the Rover's science instruments and the selection of one of the landing sites.