Recent Infrared Measurements
Herbig-Haro Objects


Dr. Richard D. Schwartz
University of Missouri - St. Louis


The development of sensitive infrared arrays and efficient infrared pectrographs over the past 10 years has made possible the study of faint nebular objects called Herbig-Haro Objects. From optical studies, it is known that these objects are the product of mass ejections in jets from young stars, a process which is apparently required for a star to evolve to a main sequence star. The supersonic
jets interact with the ambient medium, producing radiative shock waves which are seen as the Herbig-Haro Objects. Much of the mass outflow driven by the jets, however, is molecular in form, and to observe the molecular components requires both radio and infrared observations. I report on molecular hydrogen observations obtained in the near infrared portion of the spectrum in HH 38, HH 46/47, and HH 120. The molecular hydrogen emission lends important clues as to how the optical flow couples to the more extensive molecular flows seen in radio observations through emission of CO, ammonia, and other molecules.

Richard D. Schwartz

B.S. Physics, Kansas State University, 1963
M.S. Astronomy, U. of Washington (Seattle), 1970
Ph.D. Astronomy, U. of Washington, 1973

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Lick Observatory, U. of California, Santa Cruz, 1973-1975

Academic Career
University of Missouri-St. Louis
Assistant Professor 1975-1980
Associate Professor 1980-1983
Professor 1983-2003
Chairperson 1996-2000

Henri Chretien Award, American Astronomical Society 1985
Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research, 1999

American Astronomical Society
Astronomical Society of the Pacific
International Astronomical Union

Research interests
Observational pre-main sequence astronomy
The physical nature and evolutionary significance of T Tauri
stars and Herbig-Haro Objects
Variability of gravitationally lensed quasars

Grants (1979-2003)
National Science Foundation: 6 grants totaling $400,000
NASA: 7 grants totaling $300,000

77 publications in refereed journals of astronomy and physics