Watching Star Formation - With Internet 2
presented by
Professor Bruce A. Wilking of the University of Missouri, Saint Louis

The meeting will begin at 7:30 PM Friday, July 20, in McDonnell Hall, Room 162, on the Washington University campus. McDonnell Hall is accessible from Forsyth Boulevard via Houston Way. The presentation, cosponsored by NASA's Missouri Space Grant Consortium, is open to the public free of charge.

Internet 2 is a consortium of universities and high technology industries that is developing hardware and software for access to a dedicated high-speed network. Dr. Wilking will talk about his observations of young stars, now forming from immense regions of dust and gas far from our local section of the Milky Way galaxy. He used NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility, which is perched on the top of the extinct volcano Mauna Kea in Hawaii. But he directed the telescope and collected the data from Saint Louis, using this high speed network.
Dr. Bruce Wilking is a Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Missouri, Saint Louis. His research interests include star formation, the nature of the environment surrounding the youngest stars, and the evolution of star clusters. To collect his data, Dr. Wilking uses infrared and microwave telescopes as well as large optical instruments.