"Chaos On Io" by William B. McKinnon

"Chaos On Io”, an illustrated lecture by Professor William B. McKinnon of Washington University, is the featured at the April meeting of the St. Louis Astronomical Society. The presentation, cosponsored by NASA's Missouri Space Grant Consortium, is open to the public free of charge.

           Jupiter’s superheated moon, Io, is the most geologically active body in our Solar System. It has been a special target for the NASA spacecraft Galileo Orbiter’s extended mission and its Millennium mission. Dr. McKinnon will present a tour of Io’s numerous volcanoes, lava fields, plumes, and towering mountains. He will also discuss an intriguing parallel with the volcanically disrupted ice shell of Io’s neighboring sister world, Europa.
Dr. William B. McKinnon is a Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences and a Fellow of the McDonnell Center For the Space Sciences at Washington University in Saint Louis. He received his Doctorate from the California Institute of Technology in 1981. His research interests center on the structure and evolution of the icy bodies of the outer solar system - the Pluto-Charon system, the satellites of the giant planets, and the small frozen worlds that lie beyond Pluto. He is also a specialist in impact processes, the collisions that shaped the surfaces of the solid planets and the satellites early in their histories.